Vim Mode

Zed includes a vim emulation layer known as "vim mode". This document aims to describe how it works, and how to make the most out of it.


Vim mode in Zed is supposed to primarily "do what you expect": it mostly tries to copy vim exactly, but will use Zed-specific functionality when available to make things smoother.

This means Zed will never be 100% vim compatible, but should be 100% vim familiar! We expect that our vim mode already copes with 90% of your workflow, and we'd like to keep improving it. If you find things that you can’t yet do in vim mode, but which you rely on in your current workflow, please leave feedback in the editor itself (:feedback), or file an issue.

Zed-specific features

Zed is built on a modern foundation that (among other things) uses tree-sitter and language servers to understand the content of the file you're editing, and supports multiple cursors out of the box.

Vim mode has several "core Zed" key bindings, that will help you make the most of Zed's specific feature set.

# Language server
g d   Go to definition
g D   Go to type definition
c d   Rename (change definition)
g A   Go to All references to the current word

g s   Find symbol in current file
g S   Find symbol in entire project

g ]   Go to next diagnostic
g [   Go to previous diagnostic
g h   Show inline error (hover)
g .   Open the code actions menu

# Treesitter
] x   Select a smaller syntax node
[ x   Select a larger syntax node

# Multi cursor
g l   Add a visual selection for the next copy of the current word
g L   The same, but backwards
g >   Skip latest word selection, and add next.
g <   The same, but backwards
g a   Add a visual selection for every copy of the current word

# Pane management
g <space>  Open the current search excerpt
<ctrl-w> <space>  Open the current search excerpt in a split
<ctrl-w> g d      Go to definition in a split
<ctrl-w> g D      Go to type definition in a split

# Insert mode
ctrl-x ctrl-o  Open the completion menu
ctrl-x ctrl-c  Request GitHub Copilot suggestion (if configured)
ctrl-x ctrl-a  Open the inline AI assistant (if configured)
ctrl-x ctrl-l  Open the code actions menu
ctrl-x ctrl-z  Hides all suggestions

# Ex commands
:E[xplore]    Open the project panel
:C[ollab]     Open the collaboration panel
:Ch[at]       Open the chat panel
:A[I]         Open the AI panel
:No[tif]      Open the notifications panel
:fe[edback]   Open the feedback window
:cl[ist]      Open the diagnostics window
:te[rm]       Open the terminal
:Ext[ensions] Open the extensions window

Vim mode uses Zed to define concepts like "brackets" (for the % key) and "words" (for motions like w and e). This does lead to some differences, but they are mostly positive. For example % considers | to be a bracket in languages like Rust; and w considers $ to be a word-character in languages like Javascript.

Vim mode emulates visual block mode using Zed's multiple cursor support. This again leads to some differences, but is much more powerful.

Finally, Vim mode's search and replace functionality is backed by Zed's. This means that the pattern syntax is slightly different, see the section on Regex differences for details.

Custom key bindings

You can edit your personal key bindings with :keymap. For vim-specific shortcuts, you may find the following template a good place to start:

    "context": "Editor && (vim_mode == normal || vim_mode == visual) && !VimWaiting && !menu",
    "bindings": {
      // put key-bindings here if you want them to work in normal & visual mode
    "context": "Editor && vim_mode == normal && !VimWaiting && !menu",
    "bindings": {
      // put key-bindings here if you want them to work only in normal mode
      // "down": ["workspace::SendKeystrokes", "4 j"]
      // "up": ["workspace::SendKeystrokes", "4 k"]
    "context": "Editor && vim_mode == visual && !VimWaiting && !menu",
    "bindings": {
      // visual, visual line & visual block modes
    "context": "Editor && vim_mode == insert && !menu",
    "bindings": {
      // put key-bindings here if you want them to work in insert mode
      // e.g.
      // "j j": "vim::NormalBefore" // remap jj in insert mode to escape.

If you would like to emulate vim's map (nmap etc.) commands you can bind to the workspace::SendKeystrokes action in the correct context.

You can see the bindings that are enabled by default in vim mode here.

The details of the context are a little out of scope for this doc, but suffice to say that menu is true when a menu is open (e.g. the completions menu), VimWaiting is true after you type f or t when we’re waiting for a new key (and you probably don’t want bindings to happen). Please reach out on GitHub if you want help making a key bindings work.


Binding jk to exit insert mode and go to normal mode:

  "context": "Editor && vim_mode == insert && !menu",
  "bindings": {
    "j k": ["vim::SwitchMode", "Normal"]

Command palette

Vim mode allows you to enable Zed’s command palette with :. This means that you can use vim's command palette to run any action that Zed supports.

Additionally vim mode contains a number of aliases for popular vim commands to ensure that muscle memory works. For example :w<enter> will save the file.

We do not (yet) emulate the full power of vim’s command line, in particular we special case specific patterns instead of using vim's range selection syntax, and we do not support arguments to commands yet. Please reach out on GitHub as you find things that are missing from the command palette.

As mentioned above, one thing to be aware of is that the regex engine is slightly different from vim's in :%s/a/b.

Currently supported vim-specific commands:

# window management
:w[rite][!], :wq[!], :q[uit][!], :wa[ll][!], :wqa[ll][!], :qa[ll][!], :[e]x[it][!], :up[date]
    to save/close tab(s) and pane(s) (no filename is supported yet)
    to quit completely.
:vs[plit], :sp[lit]
    to split vertically/horizontally (no filename is supported yet)
:new, :vne[w]
    to create a new file in a new pane above or to the left
:tabedit, :tabnew
    to create a new file in a new tab.
:tabn[ext], :tabp[rev]
    to go to previous/next tabs
    to close the current tab

# navigating diagnostics
:cn[ext], :cp[rev], :ln[ext], :lp[rev]
    to go to the next/prev diagnostics
:cc, :ll
    to open the errors page

# jump to position
    to jump to a line number
    to jump to the end of the file
:/foo and :?foo
    to jump to next/prev line matching foo

# replacement (/g is always assumed and Zed uses different regex syntax to vim)
  to replace instances of foo with bar
    to limit replcaement between line X and Y
    other ranges are not yet implemented

# editing
    to join the current line (no range is yet supported)
    to delete the current line (no range is yet supported)
:s[ort] [i]
    to sort the current selection (with i, case-insensitively)

As any Zed command is available, you may find that it's helpful to remember mnemonics that run the correct command. For example:

:cpp  [C]o[p]y [P]ath to file
:crp  [C]opy [r]elative [P]ath
:reveal [Reveal] in finder
:zlog Open [Z]ed Log


Some vim settings are available to modify the default vim behavior:

  "vim": {
    // "always": use system clipboard
    // "never": don't use system clipboard
    // "on_yank": use system clipboard for yank operations
    "use_system_clipboard": "always",
    // Lets `f` and `t` motions extend across multiple lines
    "use_multiline_find": true

There are also a few Zed settings that you may also enjoy if you use vim mode:

  // disable cursor blink
  "cursor_blink": false,
  // use relative line numbers
  "relative_line_numbers": true,
  // hide the scroll bar
  "scrollbar": { "show": "never" },
  // allow cursor to reach edges of screen
  "vertical_scroll_margin": 0,
  "gutter": {
    // disable line numbers completely:
    "line_numbers": false

If you want to navigate between the editor and docks (terminal, project panel, AI assistant, ...) just like you navigate between splits you can use the following key bindings:

  "context": "Dock",
  "bindings": {
    "ctrl-w h": ["workspace::ActivatePaneInDirection", "Left"],
    "ctrl-w l": ["workspace::ActivatePaneInDirection", "Right"],
    "ctrl-w k": ["workspace::ActivatePaneInDirection", "Up"],
    "ctrl-w j": ["workspace::ActivatePaneInDirection", "Down"]
    // ... or other keybindings

Subword motion is not enabled by default. To enable it, add these bindings to your keymap.

    "context": "Editor && VimControl && !VimWaiting && !menu",
    "bindings": {
      "w": "vim::NextSubwordStart",
      "b": "vim::PreviousSubwordStart",
      "e": "vim::NextSubwordEnd",
      "g e": "vim::PreviousSubwordEnd"

Supported plugins

Zed has nascent support for some Vim plugins:

  • From vim-surround, ys, cs and ds work. Though you cannot add new HTML tags yet.
  • From vim-commentary, gc in visual mode and gcc in normal mode. Though you cannot operate on arbitrary objects yet.
  • From netrw, most keybindings are supported in the project panel.
  • From vim-spider/CamelCaseMotion you can use subword motions as described above.

Regex differences

Zed uses a different regular expression engine from Vim. This means that you will have to use a different syntax for some things.


  • Vim uses \( and \) to represent capture groups, in Zed these are ( and ).
  • On the flip side, ( and ) represent literal parentheses, but in Zed these must be escaped to \( and \).
  • When replacing, Vim uses \0 to represent the entire match, in Zed this is $0, same for numbered capture groups \1 -> $1.
  • Vim uses /g to indicate "all matches on one line", in Zed this is implied
  • Vim uses /i to indicate "case-insensitive", in Zed you can either use (?i) at the start of the pattern or toggle case-sensitivity with cmd-option-c.

To help with the transition, the command palette will fix parentheses and replace groups for you when you run :%s//. So %s:/\(a\)(b)/\1/ will be converted into a search for "(a)(b)" and a replacement of "$1".

For the full syntax supported by Zed's regex engine see the regex crate documentation.