
Godot GDScript language support in Zed is provided by the community-maintained GDScript extension. Report issues to:


  1. Download and install Godot for MacOS.
  2. Unzip the and drag it into your /Applications folder.
  3. Open and open your project (an example project is fine)
  4. In Godot, Editor Menu -> Editor Settings; scroll down the left sidebar to Text Editor -> External
    1. Use External Editor: "✅ On"
    2. Exec path: /Applications/
    3. Exec flags: {project} {file}
    4. Close settings to save.
  5. In Godot double click on a *.gd script and Zed will launch


When Godot is running, the GDScript extension will connect to the language server provided by the Godot runtime and will provide jump to definition, hover states when you hold cmd and other language server features.

Note: If Zed is already running with an existing workspace, spawning from Godot will fail. Quit Zed and it should work again.