Ruby support is available through the Ruby extension.
- Tree-sitters:
- Language Servers:
The Ruby extension also provides support for ERB files.
Language Servers
There are multiple language servers available for Ruby. Zed supports the two following:
They both have an overlapping feature set of autocomplete, diagnostics, code actions, etc. and it's up to you to decide which one you want to use. Note that you can't use both at the same time.
In addition to these two language servers, Zed also supports rubocop which is a static code analyzer and linter for Ruby. Under the hood, it's also used by Zed as a language server, but its functionality is complimentary to that of solargraph and ruby-lsp.
When configuring a language server, it helps to open the LSP Logs window using the 'debug: open language server logs' command. You can then choose the corresponding language instance to see any logged information.
Configuring a language server
The Ruby extension offers both solargraph
and ruby-lsp
language server support.
Using solargraph
is enabled by default in the Ruby extension.
Using ruby-lsp
To switch to ruby-lsp
, add the following to your settings.json
"languages": {
"Ruby": {
"language_servers": ["ruby-lsp", "!solargraph", "!rubocop", "..."]
That disables solargraph
and rubocop
and enables ruby-lsp
Using rubocop
The Ruby extension also provides support for rubocop
language server for offense detection and autocorrection.
To enable it, add the following to your settings.json
"languages": {
"Ruby": {
"language_servers": ["ruby-lsp", "rubocop", "!solargraph", "..."]
Or, conversely, you can disable ruby-lsp
and enable solargraph
and rubocop
by adding the following to your settings.json
"languages": {
"Ruby": {
"language_servers": ["solargraph", "rubocop", "!ruby-lsp", "..."]
Setting up solargraph
Zed currently doesn't install Solargraph automatically. To use Solargraph, you need to install the gem. Zed just looks for an executable called solargraph
on your PATH
You can install the gem manually with the following command:
gem install solargraph
Alternatively, if your project uses Bundler, you can add the Solargraph gem to your Gemfile
gem 'solargraph', group: :development
Solargraph has formatting and diagnostics disabled by default. We can tell Zed to enable them by adding the following to your settings.json
"lsp": {
"solargraph": {
"initialization_options": {
"diagnostics": true,
"formatting": true
By default, Solargraph uses bundle exec
to run in the context of the bundle. To disable that, you can use the use_bundler
configuration option:
"lsp": {
"solargraph": {
"settings": {
"use_bundler": false
Solargraph reads its configuration from a file called .solargraph.yml
in the root of your project. For more information about this file, see the Solargraph configuration documentation.
Setting up ruby-lsp
Zed currently doesn't install Ruby LSP automatically. To use Ruby LSP, you need to install the gem. Zed just looks for an executable called ruby-lsp
on your PATH
You can install the gem manually with the following command:
gem install ruby-lsp
Ruby LSP uses pull-based diagnostics which Zed doesn't support yet. We can tell Zed to disable it by adding the following to your settings.json
"languages": {
"Ruby": {
"language_servers": ["ruby-lsp", "!solargraph", "..."]
"lsp": {
"ruby-lsp": {
"initialization_options": {
"enabledFeatures": {
// This disables diagnostics
"diagnostics": false
LSP settings
and initialization_options
can also be project-specific. For example to use standardrb/standard as a formatter and linter for a particular project, add this to a .zed/settings.json
inside your project repo:
"lsp": {
"ruby-lsp": {
"initialization_options": {
"formatter": "standard",
"linters": ["standard"]
By default, Ruby LSP does not use bundle exec
to run in the context of the bundle. To enable that, you can use the use_bundler
configuration option:
"lsp": {
"ruby-lsp": {
"settings": {
"use_bundler": true
Setting up rubocop
Zed currently doesn't install rubocop
automatically. To use rubocop
, you need to install the gem. Zed just looks for an executable called rubocop
on your PATH
You can install the gem manually with the following command:
gem install rubocop
Rubocop has unsafe autocorrection disabled by default. We can tell Zed to enable it by adding the following to your settings.json
"languages": {
"Ruby": {
// Use ruby-lsp as the primary language server and rubocop as the secondary.
"language_servers": ["ruby-lsp", "rubocop", "!solargraph", "..."]
"lsp": {
"rubocop": {
"initialization_options": {
"safeAutocorrect": false
"ruby-lsp": {
"initialization_options": {
"enabledFeatures": {
"diagnostics": false
By default, rubocop
uses bundle exec
to run in the context of the bundle. To disable that, you can use the use_bundler
configuration option:
"lsp": {
"rubocop": {
"settings": {
"use_bundler": false
Using the Tailwind CSS Language Server with Ruby
It's possible to use the Tailwind CSS Language Server in Ruby and ERB files.
In order to do that, you need to configure the language server so that it knows about where to look for CSS classes in Ruby/ERB files by adding the following to your settings.json
"languages": {
"Ruby": {
"language_servers": ["tailwindcss-language-server", "..."]
"lsp": {
"tailwindcss-language-server": {
"settings": {
"includeLanguages": {
"erb": "html",
"ruby": "html"
"experimental": {
"classRegex": ["\\bclass:\\s*['\"]([^'\"]*)['\"]"]
With these settings you will get completions for Tailwind CSS classes in HTML attributes inside ERB files and inside Ruby/ERB strings that are coming after a class:
key. Examples:
# Ruby file:
def method
div(class: "pl-2 <completion here>") do
p(class: "mt-2 <completion here>") { "Hello World" }
# ERB file:
<%= link_to "Hello", "/hello", class: "pl-2 <completion here>" %>
<a href="/hello" class="pl-2 <completion here>">Hello</a>
Running tests
To run tests in your Ruby project, you can set up custom tasks in your local .zed/tasks.json
configuration file. These tasks can be defined to work with different test frameworks like Minitest, RSpec, quickdraw, and tldr. Below are some examples of how to set up these tasks to run your tests from within your editor.
Minitest with Rails
"label": "test $ZED_RELATIVE_FILE:$ZED_ROW",
"command": "bundle exec rails",
"args": ["test", "\"$ZED_RELATIVE_FILE:$ZED_ROW\""],
"tags": ["ruby-test"]
Note: Plain minitest does not support running tests by line number.
"label": "test $ZED_RELATIVE_FILE:$ZED_ROW",
"command": "bundle exec rspec",
"args": ["\"$ZED_RELATIVE_FILE:$ZED_ROW\""],
"tags": ["ruby-test"]
"label": "test $ZED_RELATIVE_FILE:$ZED_ROW",
"command": "bundle exec qt",
"args": ["\"$ZED_RELATIVE_FILE:$ZED_ROW\""],
"tags": ["ruby-test"]
"label": "test $ZED_RELATIVE_FILE:$ZED_ROW",
"command": "bundle exec tldr",
"args": ["\"$ZED_RELATIVE_FILE:$ZED_ROW\""],
"tags": ["ruby-test"]