
Go support is available natively in Zed.


We recommend installing gopls via go's package manager and not via Homebrew or your Linux distribution's package manager.

  1. Make sure you have uninstalled any version of gopls you have installed via your package manager:
# MacOS homebrew
brew remove gopls
# Ubuntu
sudo apt-get remove gopls
sudo snap remove gopls
# Arch
sudo pacman -R gopls
  1. Install/Update gopls to the latest version using the go module tool:
go install golang.org/x/tools/gopls@latest
  1. Ensure that gopls is in your path:
which gopls
gopls version

If gopls is not found you will likely need to add export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/go/bin" to your .zshrc / .bash_profile

Inlay Hints

Zed sets the following initialization options for inlay hints:

"hints": {
    "assignVariableTypes": true,
    "compositeLiteralFields": true,
    "compositeLiteralTypes": true,
    "constantValues": true,
    "functionTypeParameters": true,
    "parameterNames": true,
    "rangeVariableTypes": true

to make the language server send back inlay hints when Zed has them enabled in the settings.


"lsp": {
    "gopls": {
        "initialization_options": {
            "hints": {

to override these settings.

See gopls inlayHints documentation for more information.

Go Mod

Go Sum

Go Work