
Lua support is available through the Lua extension.


To configure LuaLS you can create a .luarc.json file in the root of your workspace.

See LuaLS Settings Documentation for all available configuration options.

  "$schema": "",
  "runtime.version": "Lua 5.4",
  "diagnostics.severity": {
    "duplicate-set-field": "Hint"
  "format.enable": true,
  "format.defaultConfig": {
    "indent_style": "space",
    "indent_size": "4"
  "workspace.library": ["../somedir/library"]



To enable auto-formatting with your LuaLS, make sure you have "format.enable": true, in your .luarc.json add the following to your Zed settings.json:

  "languages": {
    "Lua": {
      "format_on_save": "on",
      "formatter": "language_server"


Alternative you can use StyLua:

  1. Install StyLua: brew install stylua or cargo install stylua --features lua52,lua53,lua54,luau,luajit (feel free to remove any Lua versions you don't need).
  2. Add the following to your settings.json:
  "languages": {
    "Lua": {
      "format_on_save": "on",
      "formatter": {
        "external": {
          "command": "stylua",
          "arguments": [

You can specify various options to StyLua either on the command line above (like --syntax=Lua54) or in a stylua.toml in your workspace:

syntax = "Lua54"
column_width = 100
line_endings = "Unix"
indent_type = "Spaces"
indent_width = 4
quote_style = "AutoPreferDouble"
call_parentheses = "Always"
collapse_simple_statement = "All"

enabled = true

For a complete list of available options, see: StyLua Options.