
Keep up with the weekly Zed releases.






  • Git: Added a small onboarding banner for the git launch. (#26518)
  • Git: Added horizontal scrolling in the git panel. (#26402)
  • Git: Improved the stage-and-next and unstage-and-next actions in the project diff editor to start a commit after acting on the last hunk. (#26434)
  • Git: Switched showing git operation results from notifications to status toasts. (#26420)
  • Git: Smart truncate long branch and repository names in their respective selectors in the Git panel. (#26483)
  • Git: Removed the git.hunk_style setting; staged_border behavior is now universal. (#26504)
  • Added copy permalink action for self-hosted GitHub enterprise instances. (#26482)
  • Added a keybinding to alt-shift-enter to interact with the button on the new status toasts, toast::RunAction. (#26420)
  • Added Open Remote... to File menu. (#26288)
  • Added a "secondary" meta key to the Zed keystroke parser, which maps to cmd on macOS and ctrl off of macOS. (#26390)
  • Added support for opening folders in Zed from third-party macOS file managers like Path Finder and Super Charge through their Open With menu. (#26357)
  • Added a sign-out button for Copilot in Assistant settings. (#26340)
  • Added editor::MoveToStartOfNextExcerpt and editor::MoveToEndOfPreviousExcerpt. (#26264)
  • Added multibuffer key context. (#26264)
  • cmd-down and cmd-shift-down on Mac now move to the end of the last line of a singleton buffer instead of the beginning. In multibuffers, these now move to the start of the next excerpt. (#26264)
  • Added support for workspace/executeCommand for actions' data. (#26239)
  • Improved cmd-click in terminal to find more paths. (#26174)
  • Improved the terminal tab for when command is run via vim mode, in order to disable the rerun button, seeing as Zed does not support it. (#26122; thanks dinocosta)
  • User and global .npmrc configuration is now respected when running user-provided NPM binary (which also happens automatically when npm from PATH is newer than 18.0.0). (#26209)
  • Gruvbox Themes: Added a color for @variable.special syntax highlights. (#26271; thanks edwloef)
  • Linux: Made nano save (ctrl-o) work by default in terminal. (#26479)


  • Added support for auto-closing of JSX tags. (#25681)
  • Added support for clangd's inactiveRegions extension. (#26146; thanks naim94a)
  • Added vtsls and typescript-language-server to the list of available language servers. (#26046; thanks sacki5)
  • Improved Python highlighting for default function arguments and scoped identifiers. (#25813; thanks MrSubidubi)
  • Enabled soft-wrap by default in Markdown. (#26247)


  • Added <count>% motion. (#25839; thanks 5brian)
  • Added :reg[isters] to show the current values of registers. (#25945; thanks AidanV)
  • Added support for toggling boolean values with ctrl-a/ctrl-x. (#25997; thanks 5brian)


  • Edit Predictions: Improved UX when there's no keybinding for accepting predictions. (#25815)

Bug Fixes

  • Git: Fixed an issue where pressing up or down in the git panel's commit message editor would change the selected status entry. (#26501)
  • Git: Fixed the generate commit message button still showing when the assistant is disabled. (#26519)
  • Git: Fixed a bug where our push button would always overwrite the current branch's upstream. (#26486)
  • Fixed an issue where text selection was not visible on top of a text background in the editor. (#26454)
  • Fixed an issue where Zed showed transparent titlebar in fullscreen mode on macOS. (#26403)
  • Fixed a bug where file paths in the built-in terminal of the format path/to/file.ext:row:col:description or error message would not be correctly identified as file paths due to the colon & additional text at the end. (#26401)
  • Fixed an issue where clicking the editor with the mouse while the Go to Line palette is open would cause it to jump to the previous scroll position. (#26362)
  • Fixed LSP completion items modified before resolve request. (#26347)
  • Fixed an issue where signing into Copilot required restarting Zed. (#26330)
  • Fixed vim::PreviousSectionEnd (bound to [ ]) to move to the beginning of the line, matching the behavior of vim::NextSectionEnd. (#26264)
  • Fixed default file type associations overriding associations provided by extensions for txt files. (#25420; thanks MrSubidubi)
  • Fixed an issue where multi-line pasted content was auto-indented incorrectly if copied from the middle of an existing line. (#26246)
  • Fixed SSH remotes running Nushell. (#25613)
  • Fixed the terminal tab title when using !! to rerun the last command. (#26122; thanks dinocosta)
  • Fixed an issue where cmd+click on a URL was not working sometimes. (#26128)
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong file from a different worktree would open when using Cmd+Click on a file import. (#26120)
  • Fixed font sizes not reacting on settings change. (#26060)
  • Fixed the "Open a file or project to get started" message not always showing after all buffers have been closed. (#26044; thanks felixpackard)
  • Fixed soft_wrap setting not applying to buffers starting with a different language. (#25880; thanks alexozer)
  • Fixed lost focus when navigating back in project search result. (#22483; thanks feeiyu)
  • Fixed broken C++ completion suggestions. (#25405; thanks BorisVassilev1)
  • Fixed wrong file icons being shown for files outside of the current project. (#25933; thanks MrSubidubi)
  • Fixed constants not being highlighted in Python files. (#25813; thanks MrSubidubi)
  • Fixed regex search box being overly green. (#25962)
  • Vim: Fixed insert before (shift-i) in visual modes. (#25603; thanks 5brian)
  • Vim: Fixed Vim ignoring cursor_shape settings. (#25439; thanks 0x2CA)
  • Vim: Fixed . repeat for remapped surrounds/exchange actions. (#26101)
  • Vim: Fixed "seed_search_query_from_cursor" : "selection". (#26107; thanks 0x2CA)
  • Vim: Fixed vim exchange's "clear exchange" function didn't clear the exchange and kept you in operator pending mode. (#25804; thanks thomasheartman)
  • Vim: Fixed incorrect behavior of backward search. (#24974; thanks nilehmann)
  • Vim: Fixed x g ctrl-a step. (#26023; thanks 0x2CA)
  • Linux: Fixed ctrl-alt-f not correctly toggling search filters in project search. (#25917; thanks GuilhermeRGoncalves)

Breaking Changes and Notices

  • Renamed the vim::Backspace and vim::Space actions to vim::WrappingLeft and vim::WrappingRight respectively. The old names are still available, but they are marked as deprecated and users are advised to use the new names. (#25694; thanks asqarslanov)